Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday March 29th    

“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.” 
― Isaac Asimov

  • SWBAT continue research for essential questions:  How can a developing nation become more prosperous?
  • SWBAT continue rough draft for research paper-***CONTINUE TYPING****** (use graphic organizers)

  • SWBAT complete any incomplete reading comprehension questions, note annotating and quick writes 
  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Mr. Shiah's classroom website

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday March 28th    

“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.” 
― Isaac Asimov

  • SWBAT continue research for essential questions:  How can a developing nation become more prosperous?
  • SWBAT continue rough draft for research paper-***START TYPING****** (use graphic organizers)

  • SWBAT complete any incomplete reading comprehension questions, note annotating and quick writes 
  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Mr. Shiah's classroom website

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday March 27th    

“Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.” 
― Thomas Huxley

  • SWBAT continue research for essential questions:  How can a developing nation become more prosperous?
  • SWBAT continue rough draft for research paper-***START TYPING****** (use graphic organizers)

  • SWBAT complete any incomplete reading comprehension questions, note annotating and quick writes 
  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Mr. Shiah's classroom website

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tuesday March 26th    

“Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.” 
― Thomas Huxley

  • SWBAT continue research for essential questions:  How can a developing nation become more prosperous?
  • SWBAT recognize the difference between a root word and prefix (and learn some new vocab)
  • SWBAT identify evidence from a short video clip of Jared Diamonds Guns, Germs, and Steel
  • SWBAT write a short response explaining how geographic and technological advantages leads to inequality among different groups of people
  • SWBAT continue rough draft for research paper (use graphic organizers)
  • SWBAT complete any incomplete reading comprehension questions, note annotating and quick writes 
  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Mr. Shiah's classroom website

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday March 25th    

“Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.” 
― Thomas Huxley

  • SWBAT continue research for essential questions:  How can a developing nation become more prosperous?
  • SWBAT begin rough draft for research paper (use graphic organizers)
  • SWBAT complete any incomplete reading comprehension questions, note annotating and quick writes 
  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT finish any Jared Diamond or Empowering Women coursework from this week
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Mr. Shiah's classroom website

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday March 22nd    

“Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.” 
― Thomas Huxley

  • SWBAT continue research for essential questions:  How can a developing nation become more prosperous?
  • SWBAT find (4) pieces of teacher approved evidence using the following articles and analysis (explanation to how is relates to central question)
  1. Economic Impact of Broadband by Christine Zhen-Wei Quiang
  2. Bridging the Gender Divide: How can technology advance women economically 
  • SWBAT complete any incomplete reading comprehension questions, note annotating and quick writes 
  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT finish any Jared Diamond or Empowering Women coursework from this week
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Mr. Shiah's classroom website

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Thursday March 21st    

“Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.” 
― Thomas Huxley

  • SWBAT continue research for essential questions:  How can a developing nation become more prosperous?
  • SWBAT find (4) pieces of teacher approved evidence using the following articles and analysis (explanation to how is relates to central question)
  1. Economic Impact of Broadband by Christine Zhen-Wei Quiang
  2. Bridging the Gender Divide: How can technology advance women economically 
  • SWBAT complete any incomplete reading comprehension questions, note annotating and quick writes 
  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT finish any Jared Diamond or Empowering Women coursework from this week
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Mr. Shiah's classroom website

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wednesday March 20th    

“Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.” 
― Thomas Huxley

  • SWBAT begin research for essential questions:  How can a developing nation become more prosperous?
  • SWBAT find (4) pieces of teacher approved evidence using the following articles and analysis (explanation to how is relates to central question)
  1. Economic Impact of Broadband by Christine Zhen-Wei Quiang
  2. Bridging the Gender Divide: How can technology advance women economically 
  • SWBAT complete any incomplete reading comprehension questions, note annotating and quick writes 
  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT finish any Jared Diamond or Empowering Women coursework from this week
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tuesday March 19th    

“Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.” 
― Thomas Huxley

  • SWBAT begin research for essential questions:  How can a developing nation become more prosperous?
  • SWBAT find (4) pieces of teacher approved evidence using the following articles and analysis (explanation to how is relates to central question)
  1. Economic Impact of Broadband by Christine Zhen-Wei Quiang
  2. Bridging the Gender Divide: How can technology advance women economically 
  • SWBAT complete any incomplete reading comprehension questions, note annotating and quick writes 
  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT finish any Jared Diamond or Empowering Women coursework from this week
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday March 18th    

“Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.” 
― Thomas Huxley

  • SWBAT begin research for essential questions:  How can a developing nation become more prosperous?
  • SWBAT find (2) pieces of evidence using the following articles
  1. Economic Impact of Broadband by Christine Zhen-Wei Quiang
  2. Bridging the Gender Divide: How can technology advance women economically 
  • SWBAT complete any incomplete reading comprehension questions, note annotating and quick writes 
  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT finish any Jared Diamond or Empowering Women coursework from this week
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

Friday, March 15, 2019

Friday March 15th    

“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” ― Coco Chanel

  • SWBAT complete any incomplete reading comprehension questions, note annotating and quick writes 
  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT finish any Jared Diamond or Empowering Women coursework from this week
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thursday March 14th    

Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others.Amelia Earhart

  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT finish any Jared Diamond or Empowering Women coursework from this week
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wednesday March 13th    

Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others.Amelia Earhart

  • SWBAT begin reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT begin answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT finish any Jared Diamond or Empowering Women coursework from this week
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

     “Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by educa...