Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wednesday March 20th    

“Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.” 
― Thomas Huxley

  • SWBAT begin research for essential questions:  How can a developing nation become more prosperous?
  • SWBAT find (4) pieces of teacher approved evidence using the following articles and analysis (explanation to how is relates to central question)
  1. Economic Impact of Broadband by Christine Zhen-Wei Quiang
  2. Bridging the Gender Divide: How can technology advance women economically 
  • SWBAT complete any incomplete reading comprehension questions, note annotating and quick writes 
  • SWBAT finish reading:  The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls (handout)               
  •   article link
  • SWBAT finish answering the reading comprehension questions questions
  • SWBAT annotate article (highlighting, making notes about thoughts, etc.)  
  • SWBAT finish any Jared Diamond or Empowering Women coursework from this week
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics article link:

Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1) 

Guns, Germs, and Steel audio link

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