Wednesday, April 11, 2018

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
Albert Einstein

Welcome back form the break.  We have less than 2 weeks before the end of the marking period and the start of the 4th quarter


Wednesday April 11th Objectives


  1. SWBAT have turned in the final copy of essay due before the break
  2. SWBAT finish reading the article 
  3. SWBAT annotate the article 
  4. Quick Write Assignment: Write a character analysis paragraph(s) about Gilbert using at least 2 adjectives that describe him in the article "Running For His Life"  (you may use the chart and anything in the article; you are not limited to any certain page numbers). Try to use 2 examples per adjective if possible. You must also address at least 1 literary device and explain how the author uses it to increase the reader's understanding of Gilbert/the passage.
    • It must have a TAG
    • It should contain at least 2 adjectives/minimum 2 textual examples each 
    • (helpful for finding example adjectives)
    • Explain how your example shows the adjective if necessary
    • It must identify and explain at least 1 literary device and how it affects the reader's understanding of Gilbert/the passage--should give evidence as well
    Today you should:
    1. Finish reading the story/your chart of lines (characterization) if you have not
    2. Write a characterization paragraph(s) about Gilbert using your chart as support.
      Help if you need it: (just a possible example--you don't have to copy this word for word)
      In the (TAG), Gilbert is characterized as __________ and _____________. This characterization along with his use of the literary device  ________help the reader understand Gilbert's character and understand that the article is really about ________________________.
                 The author shows that Gilbert is _________________________. Michael Hall shows this when, ____________________, which shows (explain your evidence and how it proves the adjective). Another example that leads us to this conclusion about Gilbert is the fact that the author tells us __________________. This shows us in the audience that (explain your adjective again).
                Another word that describes Gilbert is _________________. We see this in the following lines ______________________, showing that _____________________(explain your evidence and how it proves the adjective). Yet again, this characteristic of ______________ is shown  when __________ . This proof that __________________________________(explain the evidence).
               The author's use of (literary device) enhances the reader's understanding of the article. This is because (explain how the use of this literary device increases the reader's understanding of Gilbert/the passage).
              (Summarizing statement)
    1.    SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
    2.    SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 2 assignments are posted
    3.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
    4.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
    5.  SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)
    1. SWBAT Begin their Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  
    2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2          

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