“Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by education: they grow there, firm as weeds among stones.”
Today is a "C" Day
- Students will define Simile and Metaphore using the digital Frayer model version. (saved to OneDrive Shiah folder or paper copy)
- Students will be able to write down (5) simile and (5) metaphor examples
- Students will be able to complete a missing assignment for a core academic course
- Students will be able to continue reading, re-reading, watching, re-watching 3rd quarter readings for English (Bryan Stevenson Injustice, Night by Elie Wiesel, Letter from Birmingham Jail MLK)
- Students will be able to complete the Level 1 Assessment
- Students will define Simile and Metaphore using the digital Frayer model version. (saved to OneDrive Shiah folder or paper copy)
- Students will be able to write down (5) simile and (5) metaphor examples
- Students will be able to complete a missing assignment for a core academic course
- Students will be able to continue reading, re-reading, watching, re-watching 3rd quarter readings for English (Bryan Stevenson Injustice, Night by Elie Wiesel, Letter from Birmingham Jail MLK)
- Students will be able to complete the Level 1 Assessment
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