Friday, April 12, 2024

    “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a A Day (4/19/24 End of 3rd quarter)
  • Students will be able to describe an Antagonist and Protagonist from a current or past ELA reading.  (Name the reading, list the characters, and describe the interaction) Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • From all the gifts you have ever received, choose the gift you cherish the most.  Using about 100 words describe the gift and explain why you value the gift so greatly.  

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom

  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 9th week of the 3rd quarter)
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

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