“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”
- Today is a A Day
- Students will be able to watch the following video about using sources in writing.
- Students will be able to define the Source (in Literature) using the Frayer Model
- Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension Good Timing Makes a Good Comedian or Natural Disaster Breeds Life or The Sound of Snow
- Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 6th week of the 3rd quarter)
- Students will be able to begin reading the texts for the Effects of the Internet Argument essay.
- Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
- Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
- Students will complete the assignment log worksheet.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes
The palace Thief SparkNotes
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