Monday, May 2, 2022

  “Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.”

― Lorraine Hansberry
  • Students should have submitted quick write #1 Make a claim about the setting (i.e the area is to small to accommodate everyone or it causes issues in regards to getting ready in the morning.   (USE THE QUICK WRITE GRAPHIC ORGANIZER)
  • Students will be able to watch part of the video that corresponds with the reading
  • Students will complete reading comprehension questions 9-13 (using the R.A.C.E strategy-no exceptions)

Students will be able to answer the following ticket out the door questions 

  1. What was one positive event that happened this weekend or that you plan to have happen this week?

  • Students will be able to complete (1) missing assignment for a subject of choice 
  • Seniors passing all classes-will be able to continue their college/post-secondary training research.  (begin saving webpages as PDF's into OneDrive folder)

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