“History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among peoples' environments, not because of biological differences among peoples themselves”
- Students independently will be able to define the term Asylum using the Frayer Model Worksheet Model (using OneNote)
- Students will make annotations from the article How Many Americans Live In Poverty? (using the edge read aloud feature or pair up with a partner)
- Students will be able to use the Textual Evidence Graphic Organizer to find (2) pieces of evidence that show How assisting people in poverty will help a developing country prosper (do better)
- Students will be able to finish the quick write How can helping people in poverty support a developing countries prosperity?
- Students who have completed the quick write will complete a missing assignment for any class in which you are missing an assignment.
- What ways can you volunteer your time to help others? How can you help now? (family, community organizations, community, elderly, homeless, etc.
- Students will be able to work on the Research Unit Project for Ms. Muscarello/Ms. McDuffie
- Juniors will complete the PowerPoint for the Genocide Research Project (ELA III)
- Seniors passing all classes-will be able to continue their college/post-secondary training research. (begin saving webpages as PDF's into OneDrive folder)
- Students should use be (Using Edge Browser Read Aloud feature) for any difficult reading
- Students assignments are located in the schoology 30 week research project folder
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