Friday, April 1, 2022

   “History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among peoples' environments, not because of biological differences among peoples themselves”

  • Students will be able to use the Textual Evidence Graphic Organizer to find (2) pieces of evidence that show How assisting people in poverty will help a developing country prosper (do better)
  • Students will be able to finish the quick write How can helping people in poverty support a developing countries prosperity?
  • Students who have completed the quick write will complete a missing assignment for any class in which you are missing an assignment.   

Students will be able to answer the following ticket out the door questions 
  1. What ways can you volunteer your time to help others?  How can you help now?  (family, community organizations, community, elderly, homeless, etc.

  • Students will be able to work on the Research Unit Project for Ms. Muscarello/Ms. McDuffie
  • Juniors will complete the PowerPoint for the Genocide Research Project (ELA III)
  • Seniors passing all classes-will be able to continue their college/post-secondary training research.  (begin saving webpages as PDF's into OneDrive folder)
  • Students should use be (Using Edge Browser Read Aloud feature) for any difficult reading
  • Students assignments are located in the schoology 30 week research project folder

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