“The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look.”
- Students independently will be able to define the term Myopic using the Frayer Model Worksheet
- Students will be able to have time to work on English IV Julius Caesar Project-Newspaper article, power-point, essay...
- Students will finish watching William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
- Students will be able to complete at least (1) missing classwork assignment that will improve a below average grade. (The marking period ends Jan. 28th)
- Seniors passing all classes-will be able to continue their college/post-secondary training research. (begin saving webpages as PDF's into OneDrive folder
- Please submit your question via Schoology or e-mail ashiah@buffaloschools.org
- Students will be able to work on the Julius Caesar Project for Ms. Muscarello/Ms. McDuffie
- Juniors will complete (1) exit ticket quick write for ELA III
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