Friday, May 14, 2021

  Please check your teachers schoology, castle learning, teacher teacher web pages, etc.  If anyone is having an issue accessing or completing/understanding their assignments please e-mail myself at or through the schoology application/program****

“Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.”
― Lorraine Hansberry

Today's Objective  

  • SWBAT List (2) adjectives that describe a play members character (Mama, Walter, Travis, Beneatha, etc.) and find a piece of textual evidence that supports that adjective
  • SWBAT continue working on Act 1 Scene 1 worksheet #1 Worksheet 1 Raisin in the Sun
  • SWBAT complete the Raisin in the Sun background information sheet  Raisin in the sun background information questions.docx
  • SWBAT compete the required reading for A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry 
  • SWBAT finish the ELA research project or paper (Why are some countries more prosperous than others?)
  • SWBAT continue to complete any missing work for ELA IV or any failing/low grade course
  • SWBAT continue with Lexia Power up
  • Students will be able to complete CFM assignments with assistance during class time (all about me, career plan, etc)
  • SWBAT have time to call the student IT DESK 816-7100 for any technological issues
  • Reading, analysis, and strategy assistance will be available daily
  • SWBAT complete any vocational coursework (definitions, mathematical work, projects, etc)
  • SWBAT compete any missing Geometry work (classwork/HW)
  • SWBAT complete any Participation in Government and Economics work (classwork/hw/projects) 
  • SWBAT complete any missing work required for Health 

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     “Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by educa...