Tuesday, May 26, 2020

In light of the declarations of multiple states of emergency, the Buffalo Public Schools will be closed to students until May 15th, 2020.

Please refer to the blog for DAILY for assignments and updates 
All work will be submitted via e-mail or schoology program

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”
― Mark Twain

I hope everyone is continuing to do well with the new arrangements.  Please continue to check your teachers schoology, castle learning, teacher teacher web pages, etc.  If anyone is having an issue accessing or completing/understanding their assignments please e-mail myself at ashiah@buffaloschools.org 

  1. Please make sure your college research project is complete and turned-in to Mrs. Caccamise
  2. Begin reading a Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry (Mrs Caccamise blog http://eng12macks.blogspot.com/ 
  3. Please refer to schoology or refer to the link below for a new mini project that will help prepare you for college. College Research Project
  4. Please spend some time practicing the reading comprehension question Accuplacer comprehension practice
  5. Here is a link for any Regent exam project REGENT EXAMS WEBSITE
  6. Students should collecting textual evidence supporting the topic Why are some countries more prosperous than others? You should have as much evidence as possible to support the reasons why some countries have done better than others.  Please collect (3) pieces of evidence for (3) of each to support that Technology, Gender Equality, Health care, Education all support the thesis topic (in blue above)
  • SWBAT begin collecting textual evidence to support research essential question 
  • (Why are some societies more advanced (prosperous) than others?
  •   SWBAT continue working on the article review/annotation/summary (Bouquard)
  •   SWBAT complete the article for Health class (tobacco)
  •   SWBAT continue their college accuplacer test (math section or reading section)
  •   SWBAT continue college/vocational program research portfolio 
  •   SWBAT work on the Lexia power-up assessment (located under the clever desktop icon) 
  •   SWBAT work on the US History castle learning assignments (manhart) 
  •   SWBAT complete their shop drawings, and complete work during shop class (carpentry, plumbing, etc.)
  •   SWBAT complete all economics (copy notes for notebook check) and PIG coursework  

    Please listen to Jared Diamonds Guns, Germs, and Steel 

    Guns, Germs, and Steel Audio
    PBS video part 1 (video part 1)
    PBS video part 2 (video part 2)

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