Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.
(Antony, Act 3, Scene 2)
(Antony, Act 3, Scene 2)
- SWBAT Begin quick write What were Brutus's conditions that Marc Antony agreed to? Did he keep his promise for each?
- SWBAT complete (3) reading comprehension questions (Use The R.A.C.E Strategy)
- SWBAT complete castle learning Caesar quiz review
- SWBAT complete castle learning reading assessment quiz (Student Support Services)
- SWBAT continue working on the article review/annotation/summary (Bouquard)
- SWBAT continue their college accuplacer test (math section or reading section)
- SWBAT complete ACCESS-VR application (must be 18 or have parent consent)
- SWBAT continue college/vocational program research portfolio
- SWBAT work on the Lexia power-up assessment (located under the clever desktop icon)
- SWBAT work on the US History final marking period assignments and project (manhart)
- SWBAT complete their shop drawings, and complete work during shop class (carpentry, plumbing, etc.)
- SWBAT complete are economics and PIG coursework (S&P 500)
Ticket out the door question
- What do you foreshadow for the remainder of the play?
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