Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thursday February 7th    

“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” 
― Henry David Thoreau

  • SWBAT analyze and discuss how pieces (6) of textual evidence support the essay question below from each of the 3 readings (Using the graphic organizer)

  1. Julius Caesar 
  2. Bhutto-Ideas live on 
  3. Thoreau-Civil disobedience 

Who should have the power to make decisions in society?  

  • SWBAT begin English IV essay Who should have the power...
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Ticket out the door question

What should have the power to make decisions in society?

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