Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thursday February 28th    

“History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among peoples' environments, not because of biological differences among peoples themselves” 
― Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

  • SWBAT continue/finish reading Jared Diamonds: Guns, Germs, and Steel                                    
  • SWBAT continue answering the reading comprehension questions  
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up
Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1)

Ticket out the door question

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wednesday February 27th    

“History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among peoples' environments, not because of biological differences among peoples themselves” 
― Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

  • SWBAT continue reading Jared Diamonds: Guns, Germs, and Steel
  • SWBAT take notes using the video link (5-7 notes)                                               
  • SWBAT continue answering the reading comprehension questions  
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework/Participation in Government 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up
Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1)

Ticket out the door question

Who is Jared Diamond and what research questions is he attempting to answer?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tuesday February 26th    

“History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among peoples' environments, not because of biological differences among peoples themselves” 
― Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

  • SWBAT introduced to Jared Diamonds: Guns, Germs, and Steel
  • SWBAT take notes using the video link    (5-7 notes)                                               
  • SWBAT answer the introduction comprehension questions  
  • SWBAT finish any DBA testing 
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up
Guns, Germs, and Steel video link (Part 1)

Ticket out the door question

Who is Jared Diamond and what research questions is he attempting to answer?

Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday February 15th    

“She thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand, that "no" is a word the world never learned to say to her.” 
― Alice Walker, Everyday Use

  • SWBAT finish reading Everyday Use by Alice Walker
  • SWBAT answer the comprehension questions 
  • SWBAT type and print essay
  • SWBAT have essay peer reviewed 
  • SWBAT finish any DBA testing 
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Ticket out the door question

What are you going to read over the break?

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thursday February 14th    

“She thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand, that "no" is a word the world never learned to say to her.” 
― Alice Walker, Everyday Use

  • SWBAT finish reading Everyday Use by Alice Walker
  • SWBAT answer the comprehension questions 
  • SWBAT type and print essay
  • SWBAT have essay peer reviewed 
  • SWBAT finish any DBA testing 
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Ticket out the door question

What should have the power to make decisions in society?

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday February 13th    

“The government is best which governs not at all” 
― Henry David Thoreau

  1. Julius Caesar 
  2. Bhutto-Ideas live on 
  3. Thoreau-Civil disobedience 

Who should have the power to make decisions in society?  

  • SWBAT finish English IV essay Who should have the power...
  • SWBAT type and print essay
  • SWBAT have essay peer reviewed 
  • SWBAT finish any DBA testing 
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Ticket out the door question

What should have the power to make decisions in society?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Tuesday February 11th    

“The government is best which governs not at all” 
― Henry David Thoreau

  1. Julius Caesar 
  2. Bhutto-Ideas live on 
  3. Thoreau-Civil disobedience 

Who should have the power to make decisions in society?  

  • SWBAT finish English IV essay Who should have the power...
  • SWBAT type and print essay
  • SWBAT have essay peer reviewed 
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Ticket out the door question

What should have the power to make decisions in society?

Monday, February 11, 2019

Monday February 11th    

“The government is best which governs not at all” 
― Henry David Thoreau

  1. Julius Caesar 
  2. Bhutto-Ideas live on 
  3. Thoreau-Civil disobedience 

Who should have the power to make decisions in society?  

  • SWBAT finish English IV essay Who should have the power...
  • SWBAT type and print essay
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Ticket out the door question

What should have the power to make decisions in society?

Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday February 8th    

“The government is best which governs not at all” 
― Henry David Thoreau

  • SWBAT analyze and discuss how pieces (6) of textual evidence support the essay question below from each of the 3 readings (Using the graphic organizer)

  1. Julius Caesar 
  2. Bhutto-Ideas live on 
  3. Thoreau-Civil disobedience 

Who should have the power to make decisions in society?  

  • SWBAT finish English IV essay Who should have the power...
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Ticket out the door question

What should have the power to make decisions in society?

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thursday February 7th    

“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” 
― Henry David Thoreau

  • SWBAT analyze and discuss how pieces (6) of textual evidence support the essay question below from each of the 3 readings (Using the graphic organizer)

  1. Julius Caesar 
  2. Bhutto-Ideas live on 
  3. Thoreau-Civil disobedience 

Who should have the power to make decisions in society?  

  • SWBAT begin English IV essay Who should have the power...
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Ticket out the door question

What should have the power to make decisions in society?

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wednesday February 6th    

“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” 
― Henry David Thoreau

  • SWBAT find (1) pieces of textual evidence from each of the 3 readings that supports the topic below
  1. Julius Caesar 
  2. Bhutto-Ideas live on 
  3. Thoreau-Civil disobedience 

Who should have the power to make decisions in society?  

  • SWBAT begin English IV essay Who should have the power...
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Ticket out the door question

What should have the power to make decisions in society?

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tuesday February 5th    

“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” 
― Henry David Thoreau

  • SWBAT finish answering comprehension questions for Henry David Thoreau 
  • SWBAT find (2) pieces of textual evidence that support Who should have the power to make decisions in society
  • SWBAT watch the video about Henry David Thoreau 
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Ticket out the door question

What other important individuals from history have practiced Civil Disobedience?

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday February 4th    

“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” 
― Henry David Thoreau

  • SWBAT finish answering comprehension questions for Henry David Thoreau 
  • SWBAT watch the video about Henry David Thoreau 
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Budget))
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  (drawings)
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses US History, English III (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  (document based questions, essays)
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT use any additional time using the Lexia Power-up

Ticket out the door question

What other important individuals from history have practiced Civil Disobedience?

     “Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by educa...