Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Never be afraid to sit a while and think. Lorraine Hansberry
Wednesday May 2nd Objectives


  • SWBAT continue the Raisin in the Sun unit
  • SWBAT answer question What would you do with a million dollars?" 
  • SWBAT recognize the difference between a base word and its prefix
  • SWBAT determine the meaning of vocabulary words with prefixes associated with Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun
  • SWBAT identify one of the Raisin in the Sun's adjectives that describe how a how a member is characterized ( lazy, selfish, determined, hardworking, etc) and support with textual evidence that is relevant and sufficient and the reasoning are valid to support the claim meeting 3 out of 4 criteria  (audio link to book)  (alternate audio link) (movie part 2 Danny Glover version)

       We will be continuing our Regents Exam prep.  Each day will will working on a component of an exam for English of US History 

  •           Reading passages 
  •           Including poems and multiple choice reading comprehension questions for English
  •           Critical lens (central idea, literary element, textual evidence)
  •           Argument Essay
  •           Multiple choice questions for US History
  •           Document based questions
  •           Thematic Essay                                                                                       

1.   SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
2.   SWBAT complete essay (Mrs. Thauer) 
3.   SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments and worksheets/handouts for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 
4.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
     (Inscribed Angles)
5.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
6.    SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)
Students for Ms. Terryberry and Ms. Manhart are to complete the Review Packet #2 


1. SWBAT finish the Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  
2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2    
Currently students should be working on the review packet for August 2016 Regent Exam  

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     “Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by educa...