Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers. Helen Keller

Welcome to the final marking period

Tuesday April 24th Objectives


Read pages 5-9 and answer the questions

1) Describe the importance of the play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry to American culture.
2) Explain the need to cut several scenes from the play.
3) Describe how these cuts affected the overall meaning of the play.
4) What did James Baldwin mean when he wrote that "Americans suffer from an ignorance that is not only colossal, but sacred" (8)? How does this relate to the play?

Read pages 10-14 and answer the questions

5). Why does the author say that the end of the play is not a "happy ending" (10)?
6). Describe the 2 scenes that were cut and restored on pages 11 and 12 (Travis and Mrs. Johnson) and their effect on the play.
7) Why does it seem to some that the play is "a sad commentary on America"(13)?
8) Why does the author say that the play will be relevant even when we get past racism "as we must" (13)?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni9q8JVFYH8  (audio link to book)
https://beta.prx.org/stories/92504  (alternate audio link)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ-DBDz7zio (movie part 2 Danny Glover version)

1.    SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
2.  SWBAT complete Holocaust essay (Mrs. Thauer) 
3.    SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments and worksheets/handouts for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 2 assignments are posted and must be complete before the end of next week.
4.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
5.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
6.  SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)


1. SWBAT finish the Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  https://www.buffaloschools.org/Page/85274  
2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2    

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