Monday, April 30, 2018

Welcome to the final marking period.
There are only 23 full days of school left before the exams.

Monday April 30th Objectives


  • SWBAT continue reading a Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
  • We will pick characters and begin reading together as a class (Walter, Ruth, Travis)
  • We will read pgs. 31- until we finish  (audio link to book)  (alternate audio link) (movie part 2 Danny Glover version)

       We will be continuing our Regents Exam prep.  Each day will will working on a component of an exam for English of US History 

  •           Reading passages 
  •           Including poems and multiple choice reading comprehension questions for English
  •           Critical lens (central idea, literary element, textual evidence)
  •           Argument Essay
  •           Multiple choice questions for US History
  •           Document based questions
  •           Thematic Essay                                                                                       

1.   SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
2.   SWBAT complete Holocaust essay (Mrs. Thauer) 
3.   SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments and worksheets/handouts for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 
4.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
     (Inscribed Angles)
5.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
6.    SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)
Students for Ms. Terryberry and Ms. Manhart are to complete the Review Packet #2 


1. SWBAT finish the Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  
2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2    
Currently students should be working on the review packet for August 2016 Regent Exam  

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Margaret Mead: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.

Welcome to the final marking period

Wednesday April 25th Objectives


  • SWBAT begin reading a Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
  • We will pick characters and begin reading together as a class (Walter, Ruth, Travis)
  • We will read pgs.23-33
  • When we complete the reading you can begin working on the vocabulary sentences due for Mrs. Caccamise  (audio link to book)  (alternate audio link) (movie part 2 Danny Glover version)

1.    SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
2.  SWBAT complete Holocaust essay (Mrs. Thauer) 
3.    SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments and worksheets/handouts for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 
Students for Ms. Terryberry and Ms. Manhart are to complete the Review Packet #1 

4.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
5.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
6.  SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)


1. SWBAT finish the Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  
2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2    
Currently students should be working on the review packet for August 2016 Regent Exam  

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Leonardo Da Vinci: Learning never exhausts the mind.

Welcome to the final marking period

Wednesday April 25th Objectives


  • SWBAT begin reading a Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
  • We will pick characters and begin reading together as a class (Walter, Ruth, Travis)
  • We will read pgs.23-33
  • When we complete the reading you can begin working on the vocabulary sentences due for Mrs. Caccamise  (audio link to book)  (alternate audio link) (movie part 2 Danny Glover version)

1.    SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
2.  SWBAT complete Holocaust essay (Mrs. Thauer) 
3.    SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments and worksheets/handouts for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 
Students for Ms. Terryberry and Ms. Manhart are to complete the Review Packet #1 

4.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
5.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
6.  SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)


1. SWBAT finish the Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  
2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2    
Currently students should be working on the review packet for August 2016 Regent Exam  

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers. Helen Keller

Welcome to the final marking period

Tuesday April 24th Objectives


Read pages 5-9 and answer the questions

1) Describe the importance of the play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry to American culture.
2) Explain the need to cut several scenes from the play.
3) Describe how these cuts affected the overall meaning of the play.
4) What did James Baldwin mean when he wrote that "Americans suffer from an ignorance that is not only colossal, but sacred" (8)? How does this relate to the play?

Read pages 10-14 and answer the questions

5). Why does the author say that the end of the play is not a "happy ending" (10)?
6). Describe the 2 scenes that were cut and restored on pages 11 and 12 (Travis and Mrs. Johnson) and their effect on the play.
7) Why does it seem to some that the play is "a sad commentary on America"(13)?
8) Why does the author say that the play will be relevant even when we get past racism "as we must" (13)?  (audio link to book)  (alternate audio link) (movie part 2 Danny Glover version)

1.    SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
2.  SWBAT complete Holocaust essay (Mrs. Thauer) 
3.    SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments and worksheets/handouts for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 2 assignments are posted and must be complete before the end of next week.
4.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
5.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
6.  SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)


1. SWBAT finish the Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  
2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2    

Monday, April 23, 2018

I am still learning. Michelangelo

Welcome to the final marking period

Monday April 23rd Objectives


Read pages 5-9 and answer the questions

1) Describe the importance of the play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry to American culture.
2) Explain the need to cut several scenes from the play.
3) Describe how these cuts affected the overall meaning of the play.
4) What did James Baldwin mean when he wrote that "Americans suffer from an ignorance that is not only colossal, but sacred" (8)? How does this relate to the play?

Read pages 10-14 and answer the questions

5). Why does the author say that the end of the play is not a "happy ending" (10)?
6). Describe the 2 scenes that were cut and restored on pages 11 and 12 (Travis and Mrs. Johnson) and their effect on the play.
7) Why does it seem to some that the play is "a sad commentary on America"(13)?
8) Why does the author say that the play will be relevant even when we get past racism "as we must" (13)?  (audio link to book)  (alternate audio link) (movie part 2 Danny Glover version)

1.    SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
2.  SWBAT complete Holocaust essay (Mrs. Thauer) 
3.    SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments and worksheets/handouts for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 2 assignments are posted and must be complete before the end of next week.
4.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
5.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
6.  SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)


1. SWBAT finish the Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  
2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2    

Friday, April 20, 2018


Friday April 20th Objectives


  1. SWBAT have turned in the final copy of essay due before the break
  2. SWBAT finish reading the article 
  3. SWBAT finish all essay questions for Running for his Life (please refer to Mrs. Caccamise blog for additional information)
  4. All work for the unit must be complete. (characterization sheet, quick write, vocabulary notes, and essay) 
  5. SWBAT begin the Raisin in the Sun background information and questions (use link below for packet)

Questions for the RITS background information packet
Section 1: "Harlem"
1.Why is Langston Hughes' poem "Harlem" considered important?
Section 2: "Lorraine Hansberry"
2.Why does the play A Raisin in the Sun have a "universal appeal" (4)?
3. Describe Lorraine Hansberry's early life.
4. Give examples of the some of the difficulties Hansberry had to endure in her adult life.
Section 3: "History of African Americans in Chicago"
5. What historical circumstances led to the "great migration" north by African Americans (16)?
6. What methods/techniques were used to maintain segregation and why?
7. How did the CHA try to, "ease the pressure in the overcrowded ghettos" and what were the effects (19)?
8. Give some examples of the "vibrant" black arts community in Chicago (19).
9. What were some of the "breakthroughs" African Americans were able to make in business?
10. Give some examples of the achievements made by African Americans in the 20th-21st centuries?
Section 4: "Afrocentrism"
11. What is Afrocentrism? Eurocentrism?
12. Who was Edward Wilmot Blyden and what did he do?
13.Why did Carter G. Woodson say that African Americans at that time suffered from a "miseducation" (22)?
14. Give some examples of the changes that are detailed in the section labeled "1960s and 1970s."
15. According to the text, "Afrocentrists argue that Afrocentricity is important for people of all ethnicities who want to understand African history and the African diaspora" (25). Explain.

1.    SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
2.  SWBAT complete Holocaust essay (Mrs. Thauer) 
3.    SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments and worksheets/handouts for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 2 assignments are posted and must be complete before the end of next week.
4.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
5.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
6.  SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)
1. SWBAT Begin their Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  
2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2    

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Abraham Lincoln:  The Best way to predict your Future is to create it.

REMEMBER Thursday you are off

Wednesday April 18th Objectives


  1. SWBAT have turned in the final copy of essay due before the break
  2. SWBAT finish reading the article 
  3. SWBAT finish all essay questions for Running for his Life (please refer to Mrs. Caccamise blog for additional information)
  4. All work for the unit must be complete. (characterization sheet, quick write, vocabulary notes, and essay) 
  5. SWBAT begin the Raisin in the Sun background information and questions (use link below for packet)

Questions for the RITS background information packet
Section 1: "Harlem"
1.Why is Langston Hughes' poem "Harlem" considered important?
Section 2: "Lorraine Hansberry"
2.Why does the play A Raisin in the Sun have a "universal appeal" (4)?
3. Describe Lorraine Hansberry's early life.
4. Give examples of the some of the difficulties Hansberry had to endure in her adult life.
Section 3: "History of African Americans in Chicago"
5. What historical circumstances led to the "great migration" north by African Americans (16)?
6. What methods/techniques were used to maintain segregation and why?
7. How did the CHA try to, "ease the pressure in the overcrowded ghettos" and what were the effects (19)?
8. Give some examples of the "vibrant" black arts community in Chicago (19).
9. What were some of the "breakthroughs" African Americans were able to make in business?
10. Give some examples of the achievements made by African Americans in the 20th-21st centuries?
Section 4: "Afrocentrism"
11. What is Afrocentrism? Eurocentrism?
12. Who was Edward Wilmot Blyden and what did he do?
13.Why did Carter G. Woodson say that African Americans at that time suffered from a "miseducation" (22)?
14. Give some examples of the changes that are detailed in the section labeled "1960s and 1970s."
15. According to the text, "Afrocentrists argue that Afrocentricity is important for people of all ethnicities who want to understand African history and the African diaspora" (25). Explain.

1.    SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
2.  SWBAT complete Holocaust essay (Mrs. Thauer) 
3.    SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments and worksheets/handouts for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 2 assignments are posted and must be complete before the end of next week.
4.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
5.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
6.  SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)
1. SWBAT Begin their Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  
2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2    

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. –Babe Ruth

REMEMBER Wednesday is a half day and Thursday you are off

Tuesday 17th Objectives


  1. SWBAT have turned in the final copy of essay due before the break
  2. SWBAT finish reading the article 
  3. SWBAT finish all essay questions for Running for his Life (please refer to Mrs. Caccamise blog for additional information)
  4. All work for the unit must be complete. (characterization sheet, quick write, vocabulary notes, and essay) 
  5. SWBAT begin the Raisin in the Sun background information and questions (use link below for packet)

Questions for the RITS background information packet
Section 1: "Harlem"
1.Why is Langston Hughes' poem "Harlem" considered important?
Section 2: "Lorraine Hansberry"
2.Why does the play A Raisin in the Sun have a "universal appeal" (4)?
3. Describe Lorraine Hansberry's early life.
4. Give examples of the some of the difficulties Hansberry had to endure in her adult life.
Section 3: "History of African Americans in Chicago"
5. What historical circumstances led to the "great migration" north by African Americans (16)?
6. What methods/techniques were used to maintain segregation and why?
7. How did the CHA try to, "ease the pressure in the overcrowded ghettos" and what were the effects (19)?
8. Give some examples of the "vibrant" black arts community in Chicago (19).
9. What were some of the "breakthroughs" African Americans were able to make in business?
10. Give some examples of the achievements made by African Americans in the 20th-21st centuries?
Section 4: "Afrocentrism"
11. What is Afrocentrism? Eurocentrism?
12. Who was Edward Wilmot Blyden and what did he do?
13.Why did Carter G. Woodson say that African Americans at that time suffered from a "miseducation" (22)?
14. Give some examples of the changes that are detailed in the section labeled "1960s and 1970s."
15. According to the text, "Afrocentrists argue that Afrocentricity is important for people of all ethnicities who want to understand African history and the African diaspora" (25). Explain.

1.    SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
2.  SWBAT complete Holocaust essay (Mrs. Thauer) 
3.    SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments and worksheets/handouts for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 2 assignments are posted and must be complete before the end of next week.
4.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
5.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
6.  SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)
1. SWBAT Begin their Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  
2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2    

Monday, April 16, 2018

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. Cicero

REMEMBER Wednesday is a half day and Thursday you are off

Monday 16th Objectives


  1. SWBAT have turned in the final copy of essay due before the break
  2. SWBAT finish reading the article 
  3. SWBAT finish all essay questions for Running for his Life (please refer to Mrs. Caccamise blog for additional information)
  4. All work for the unit must be complete. (characterization sheet, quick write, vocabulary notes, and essay) 
  5. SWBAT begin the Raisin in the Sun background information and questions (use link below for packet)

Questions for the RITS background information packet
Section 1: "Harlem"
1.Why is Langston Hughes' poem "Harlem" considered important?
Section 2: "Lorraine Hansberry"
2.Why does the play A Raisin in the Sun have a "universal appeal" (4)?
3. Describe Lorraine Hansberry's early life.
4. Give examples of the some of the difficulties Hansberry had to endure in her adult life.
Section 3: "History of African Americans in Chicago"
5. What historical circumstances led to the "great migration" north by African Americans (16)?
6. What methods/techniques were used to maintain segregation and why?
7. How did the CHA try to, "ease the pressure in the overcrowded ghettos" and what were the effects (19)?
8. Give some examples of the "vibrant" black arts community in Chicago (19).
9. What were some of the "breakthroughs" African Americans were able to make in business?
10. Give some examples of the achievements made by African Americans in the 20th-21st centuries?
Section 4: "Afrocentrism"
11. What is Afrocentrism? Eurocentrism?
12. Who was Edward Wilmot Blyden and what did he do?
13.Why did Carter G. Woodson say that African Americans at that time suffered from a "miseducation" (22)?
14. Give some examples of the changes that are detailed in the section labeled "1960s and 1970s."
15. According to the text, "Afrocentrists argue that Afrocentricity is important for people of all ethnicities who want to understand African history and the African diaspora" (25). Explain.

1.    SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
2.  SWBAT complete Holocaust essay (Mrs. Thauer) 
3.    SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments and worksheets/handouts for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 2 assignments are posted and must be complete before the end of next week.
4.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
5.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
6.  SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)
1. SWBAT Begin their Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  
2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2    

Friday, April 13, 2018

The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you. B. B. King


Friday April 13th Objectives


  1. SWBAT have turned in the final copy of essay due before the break
  2. SWBAT finish reading the article 
  3. SWBAT annotate the article
  4. SWBAT begin their essay for Running for his Life (please refer to Mrs. Caccamise blog for additional information)
  5. All work for the unit must be complete. (characterization sheet, quick write, vocabulary notes, and essay) 
1.    SWBAT continue with exam prep (Mrs. Thauer)
2.  SWBAT complete Holocaust essay (Mrs. Thauer) 
3.    SWBAT complete any castle learning assignments for US History (Bennes, Terryberry, Manhart, etc) 2 assignments are posted and must be complete before the end of next week.
4.    SWBAT complete any classwork homework for Survey of Geometry
5.    SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
6.  SWBAT complete Environmental Science classwork (worksheets)
1. SWBAT Begin their Research Paper (Ms. Ware/ Ms. Comas) Please refer to Mrs. Comas teacher page for all information and resources available.  
2.  SWBAT complete any classwork/HW for Algebra year 2 of 2          

     “Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by educa...