Thursday, March 15, 2018

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."  Stephen Hawking

March 15th Objectives 

  • Students who have castle learning are to make sure the assignments are complete before due date
  • Students who have June Regent exams and are repeating exams for the second time are to spend some time working

Seniors are to continue their Guns, Germs, and Steel research unit

Essential Question
"What are the best ways for (developing) nations to increase economic prosperity?"

SWBAT read the article The Case for Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls  
SWBAT annotate the article
SWBAT answer the comprehension questions

1. Give some examples of children that face "greater obstacles to education" than others.
2. What benefits are seen when the gender gap is closed?
3. Why do some "impoverished" parents choose not to send their girls to school and how can this be helped?
4. Why does the article say that reforms must be made on both a local and national level to be successful?
5. What is the FTI and what is it important?

Guns, Germs, and Steel video Links 

Juniors SWBAT to continue Letters to Birmingham unit 

SWBAT answer any reading comprehension questions for English
SWBAT finish US History Castle learning assignments 
SWBAT Have time to work on Love Canal project for Environmental Science (powerpoint/writing)

 Juniors SWBAT to research two possible local colleges or vocational training programs (PowerPoint, Microsoft word, Poster board) Due next Friday 

  1. All submissions must be typed or copied and pasted into a word document or powerpoint
  2. Must have the name and address of (2) local colleges or vocational training programs and web address
  3. Add a picture of the college
  4. Must list the name of (2) degree or certificate programs 
  5. Must have a description of the degree or certificate program (copy and paste)
  6. Submissions can be e-mailed to 

Sophomores are to continue their Henrietta Lacks Unit 1, Module :3 coursework

  • Finish independent question #18
  • Complete Tracking events and ideas worksheet
  • Finish Algebra coursework packet
  • Global Studies graphic organizer on US vs. USSR 

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     “Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by educa...