Thursday, March 8, 2018

“History as well as life itself is complicated -- neither life nor history is an enterprise for those who seek simplicity and consistency.” 
-- Jared Diamond



Thursdsy 3/8/18 OBJECTIVES

  • All students who have castle learning are to make sure the assignments are complete before due date
  • All students who have June Regent exams and are repeating exams for the second time are to spend some time working on exams

Seniors are to continue their Guns, Germs, and Steel research unit

  • watch video
  • read/listen to text
  • answer comprehension questions
  • quick writes
Quick Write #2 Guns, Germs,and Steel.....                                    
  • Identify 2 advantages one society had over another and how that advantage led to an increase in power.
Your response should:
·         Identify 2 advantages one society had over another (in this case Spaniards over the Incas)
·         Give textual evidence (You should use 2 pieces of evidence/per advantage and explain how each led to an increase in power) = 4 total pieces of textual evidence
·         Explain how the 1 society used each advantage to gain power 
****You must use 2 vocabulary words in your response for full-credit**

Sample Outline:
        In the book Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies, the author Jared Diamond gives the reader evidence to prove that the Spaniards had 2 advantages over the Incas:________________. These led to an increase in power because _________________________.

Body #1:
(List advantage #1/Explain how it gave the Spanish an advantage/power)

Body #2:
(List advantage #2/Explain how it gave the Spanish an advantage/power)

Summarizing Statement:
Sum up your main points

Juniors are to continue Letters to Birmingham unit and complete any Algebra and Global Studies H.W.

All Juniors are to research two possible local colleges or vocational training programs (PowerPoint, Microsoft word, Poster board) Due next Friday 

  1. All submissions must be typed or copied and pasted into a word document
  2. Must have the name and address of (2) local colleges or vocational training programs and web address
  3. Add a picture of the college
  4. Must list the name of (2) degree or certificate programs 
  5. Must have a description of the degree or certificate program (copy and paste)

1.   (link to video)
  • Answer comprehension questions 
  • finish quick write 
  • re-read

Sophomores are to continue their Henrietta Lacks Unit 1, Module :3 coursework

  • Finish independent question
  • Complete Tracking events and ideas worksheet
  • Finish Algebra coursework (exponential growth A=Principle(1+Rate)^time
  • Global Studies graphic organizer on Russian Revolution 

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