Friday, May 31, 2024

   “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a C Day (This the last day of the 6th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the last day 6th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions using the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Thursday, May 30, 2024

  “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a B Day (This the end of the 6th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 6th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions using the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

  “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a A Day (This the 6th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 6th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions using the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

      “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a F Day (This the 6th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 6th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions 1-10 on the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Friday, May 24, 2024

     “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a E Day (This the last day of the 5th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 5th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions 1-10 on the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Thursday, May 23, 2024

    “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a D Day (This the 5th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 5th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions 1-10 on the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

    “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a C Day (This the 5th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 5th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions 1-10 on the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

   “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a B Day (This the 5th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 5th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions 1-10 on the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Monday, May 20, 2024

   “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a A Day (This the 5th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 5th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions 1-10 on the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Friday, May 17, 2024

  “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a F Day (This is the last day of the 4th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the last day of the 4th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Juniors and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions 1-10 on the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

    “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a E Day (This is 4th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Homeroom 8:25-8:34
    First Period 8:35-9:02
    Second Period 9:06-9:33
    Third Period 9:37-10:04
    Fourth Period 10:08-10:35
    Tenth Period 10:39-11:06
    Eleventh Period 11:10-11:37
    Buses Leave Promptly at 11:45
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 4th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Juniors and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions 1-10 on the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

   “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a D Day (This is 4th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 4th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Juniors and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions 1-10 on the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Monday, May 13, 2024

  “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a C Day (This is 4th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the 4th week of the 4th quarter)
  • Juniors and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions 1-10 on the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

Friday, May 10, 2024

    “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Today is a B Day (This is last day of the 3rd week of the 4th quarter)
  • Students will be able to review 30-week final grades and 4th quarter grades needed to pass all courses. 
  • Students will work on (1) or more missing assignments in order to improve a course grade. (This is the last day of the 3rd week of the 4th quarter)
  • Juniors and Seniors will practice the regent exams needed for June and graduation. 
  • Students will be able to answer questions 1-10 on the Raisin in the Sun packet. 
  • Students will be able to write down a subject area you feel you need improvement on before the end of the school-year Downloadable worksheet
  • Students will be able to answer the following writing prompt: 
  • Think of a decision you made or are going to make soon.  Write a journal entry of about 100 words in which you look back on your decision, telling what you decided and how it turned out.

  • Students will be able to complete the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension assignment. How to Take Advantage of Boredom or Snowboarding or In the Library 

  • Students will be able to continue working on their Regent practice exam.
  • Students will be able to continue working on their Pearson Connexus credit recovery.
Julius Ceasar SparkNotes

     “Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by educa...