Thursday, December 22, 2022

    “Please be aware that this is the 8th week of the 2nd marking period.  Everyone began with a 100% in every course.  Whatever you did not complete will affect that 100%”

Mr. Shiah

  • Students will be able to Define Tempo using the Frayer Model and use in a complete sentence or short response. 
  • Students will be able to complete Act 1 Scene 1 Scene Guide and Reading Comprehension check (Printing packets)
  • Students will be able to complete all Castle learning Reading Assessment and short response assignments 
  • Students will be practicing the English Regents Exam Essay part 3
  • Students will be able to complete (1) assignment for English, History, Mathematics, or any core academic course
  • Students will be able to spend remainder of any time working on IXL English
  • Students will be able to continue working on the post-secondary education research (savings information to one drive in a separate folder)

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

    “Welcome to the 6th week of the new marking period.  Everyone began with a 100% in every course.  Whatever you did not complete will affect that 100%”

Mr. Shiah

  • Students will be able to Define Tariff using the Frayer Model and use in a complete sentence or short response. 
  • Students will be able to begin reading and completing the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension Assignment 3D Printing
  • Students will be able to complete all Castle learning Reading Assessment and short response assignments 
  • Students will be able to complete (1) assignment for English, Mathematics, or any core academic course
  • Students will be able to spend remainder of any time working on IXL English
  • IXL Malcolm X My Last Duches Shawshank Redemption Hamlet Any literature currently assigned Geometry assignments Earth Science AP assignments College Readiness Shop (notes, fractions, drawings, research)
  • Students will be able to continue working on the post-secondary education folder (savings information to one drive in a separate folder)

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

   “Welcome to the 6th week of the new marking period.  Everyone began with a 100% in every course.  Whatever you did not complete will affect that 100%”

Mr. Shiah

  • Students will be able to Define Suffrage using the Frayer Model and use in a complete sentence or short response. 
  • Students will be able to begin reading and completing the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension Assignment 3D Printing
  • Students will be able to complete all Castle learning Reading Assessment and short response assignments 
  • Students will be able to complete (1) assignment for English, Mathematics, or any core academic course
  • Students will be able to spend remainder of any time working on IXL English
  • IXL Malcolm X My Last Duches Shawshank Redemption Hamlet Any literature currently assigned Geometry assignments Earth Science AP assignments College Readiness Shop (notes, fractions, drawings, research)
  • Students will be able to continue working on the post-secondary education folder (savings information to one drive in a separate folder)

Monday, December 19, 2022

    “Welcome to the 6th week of the new marking period.  Everyone began with a 100% in every course.  Whatever you did not complete will affect that 100%”

Mr. Shiah

  • Students will be able to Define Strategy using the Frayer Model and use in a complete sentence or short response. 
  • Students will be able to begin reading and completing the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension Assignment 3D Printing
  • Students will be able to complete all Castle learning Reading Assessment and short response assignments 
  • Students will be able to complete (1) assignment for English, Mathematics, or any core academic course
  • Students will be able to spend remainder of any time working on IXL English
  • IXL Malcolm X My Last Duches Shawshank Redemption Hamlet Any literature currently assigned Geometry assignments Earth Science AP assignments College Readiness Shop (notes, fractions, drawings, research)
  • Students will be able to continue working on the post-secondary education folder (savings information to one drive in a separate folder)

Friday, December 16, 2022

   “Welcome to the end of the 5th week of the new marking period.  Everyone began with a 100% in every course.  Whatever you did not complete will affect that 100%”

Mr. Shiah

  • Students will be able to Define Stereotype using the Frayer Model and use in a complete sentence or short response. 
  • Students will be able to begin reading and completing the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension Assignment 3D Printing
  • Students will be able to complete all Castle learning Reading Assessment and short response assignments 
  • Students will be able to complete (1) assignment for English, Mathematics, or any core academic course
  • Students will be able to spend remainder of any time working on IXL English
  • IXL Malcolm X My Last Duches Shawshank Redemption Hamlet Any literature currently assigned Geometry assignments Earth Science AP assignments College Readiness Shop (notes, fractions, drawings, research)
  • Students will be able to continue working on the post-secondary education folder (savings information to one drive in a separate folder)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

  “Welcome to the 5th week of the new marking period.  Everyone began with a 100% in every course.  Whatever you did not complete will affect that 100%”

Mr. Shiah

  • Students will be able to Define Silhouette using the Frayer Model and use in a complete sentence or short response. 
  • Students will be able to begin reading and completing the Castle Learning Reading Comprehension Assignment 3D Printing
  • Students will be able to complete all Castle learning Reading Assessment and short response assignments 
  • Students will be able to complete (1) assignment for English, Mathematics, or any core academic course
  • Students will be able to spend remainder of any time working on IXL English
  • IXL Malcolm X My Last Duches Shawshank Redemption Hamlet Any literature currently assigned Geometry assignments Earth Science AP assignments College Readiness Shop (notes, fractions, drawings, research)
  • Students will be able to continue working on the post-secondary education folder (savings information to one drive in a separate folder)

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

   “Welcome to the 5th week of the new marking period.  Everyone began with a 100% in every course.  Whatever you did not complete will affect that 100%”

Mr. Shiah

  • Students will be able to complete all Castle learning Reading Assessment and short response assignments 
  • Students will be able to complete (1) assignment for English, Mathematics, or any core academic course
  • IXL Malcolm X My Last Duches Shawshank Redemption Hamlet Any literature currently assigned Geometry assignments Earth Science AP assignments College Readiness Shop (notes, fractions, drawings, research)
  • Students will be able to continue working on the post-secondary education folder (savings information to one drive in a separate folder)

Monday, December 12, 2022

   “Welcome to the 5th week of the new marking period.  Everyone began with a 100% in every course.  Whatever you did not complete will affect that 100%”

Mr. Shiah

  • Students will be able to Define Hybrid using the Frayer Model and use in a complete sentence or short response. 
  • Students will be able to complete all Castle learning Reading Assessment and short response assignments 
  • Students will be able to complete (1) assignment for English, Mathematics, or any core academic course
  • IXL Malcolm X My Last Duches Shawshank Redemption Hamlet Any literature currently assigned Geometry assignments Earth Science AP assignments College Readiness Shop (notes, fractions, drawings, research)
  • Students will be able to continue working on the post-secondary education folder (savings information to one drive in a separate folder)

Friday, December 9, 2022

  “Welcome to the end of the 4th week of the new marking period.  Everyone began with a 100% in every course.  Whatever you did not complete will affect that 100%”

Mr. Shiah

  • Students will be able to Define Repose using the Frayer Model and use in a complete sentence or short response. 
  • Students will be able to complete all Castle learning Reading Assessment and short response assignments 
  • 1Surviving the Island Reading Comprehension Passage 12/2211/28/22English Language Arts

    2Spanish Flu Reading Comprehension Passage12/01/22English Language Arts
    3Parenting and the Future Athelete12/07/22English Language Arts
  • Students will be able to complete (1) assignment for English, Mathematics, or any core academic course
  • IXL Malcolm X My Last Duches Shawshank Redemption Hamlet Any literature currently assigned Geometry assignments Earth Science AP assignments College Readiness Shop (notes, fractions, drawings, research)
  • Students will be able to continue working on the post-secondary education folder (savings information to one drive in a separate folder)

Thursday, December 8, 2022

  “Welcome to the end of the 4th week of the new marking period.  Everyone began with a 100% in every course.  Whatever you did not complete will affect that 100%”

Mr. Shiah

  • Students will be able to Define Renegade using the Frayer Model and use in a complete sentence or short response. 
  • Students will be able to complete all Castle learning Reading Assessment and short response assignments 
  • 1Surviving the Island Reading Comprehension Passage 12/2211/28/22English Language Arts

    2Spanish Flu Reading Comprehension Passage12/01/22English Language Arts
    3Parenting and the Future Athelete12/07/22English Language Arts
  • Students will be able to complete (1) assignment for English, Mathematics, or any core academic course
  • IXL Malcolm X My Last Duches Shawshank Redemption Hamlet Any literature currently assigned Geometry assignments Earth Science AP assignments College Readiness Shop (notes, fractions, drawings, research)
  • Students will be able to continue working on the post-secondary education folder (savings information to one drive in a separate folder)

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

  “Welcome to the 4th week of the new marking period.  Everyone began with a 100% in every course.  Whatever you did not complete will affect that 100%”

Mr. Shiah

  • Students will be able to complete (1) assignment for English, Mathematics, or any core academic course
  • IXL Malcolm X My Last Duches Shawshank Redemption Hamlet Any literature currently assigned Geometry assignments Earth Science AP assignments College Readiness Shop (notes, fractions, drawings, research)
  • Students will be able to continue working on the post-secondary education folder (savings information to one drive in a separate folder)

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

  “Welcome to the 4th week of the new marking period.  Everyone began with a 100% in every course.  Whatever you did not complete will affect that 100%”

Mr. Shiah

  • Students will be able to complete (1) assignment for English, Mathematics, or any core academic course
  • IXL Malcolm X My Last Duches Shawshank Redemption Hamlet Any literature currently assigned Geometry assignments Earth Science AP assignments College Readiness Shop (notes, fractions, drawings, research)
  • Students will be able to continue working on the post-secondary education folder (savings information to one drive in a separate folder)

     “Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by educa...