Friday, November 30, 2018

Friday November 30th 

A room without books is like a body without a soul. Cicero

We will be finished with the Malcolm X unit today

  • SWBAT complete the outline for Malcolm X essay
  • SWBAT complete their rough draft (Malcolm X essay)
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT complete some Algebra Regent questions from August 2018 exam (students who need exam)

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thursday November 29th 

“All of life is a constant education.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt, The Wisdom of Eleanor Roosevelt

We will be finished with the Malcolm X unit tomorrow 

  • SWBAT complete the outline for Malcolm X essay
  • SWBAT complete their rough draft (Malcolm X essay)
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework  
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT complete some Algebra Regent questions from August 2018 exam (students who need exam)

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wednesday November 28th 

“I said to my children, 'I'm going to work and do everything that I can do to see that you get a good education. I don't ever want you to forget that there are millions of God's children who will not and cannot get a good education, and I don't want you feeling that you are better than they are. For you will never be what you ought to be until they are what they ought to be.” 
― Martin Luther King Jr.
  • SWBAT review the R.A.C.E. strategy for answering reading comprehension questions (#8)
  • SWBAT complete all English IV reading comprehension questions.  (worksheet.16 and 4 questions)
  • SWBAT continue reading Malcolm X (we will finish the book this week)
  • SWBAT complete reading comprehension questions for English Regent Exam (Jan 2017 #1-10)
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework before the break 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT complete some Algebra Regent questions from August 2018 exam (students who need exam)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tuesday November 27th 

“Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.” 
― Leonardo da Vinci
  • SWBAT review the R.A.C.E. strategy for answering reading comprehension questions (#8)
  • SWBAT complete all English IV reading comprehension questions.  (worksheet.16 and 4 questions)
  • SWBAT continue reading Malcolm X (we will finish the book this week)
  • SWBAT complete reading comprehension questions for English Regent Exam (Jan 2017 #1-10)
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework before the break 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT complete some Algebra Regent questions from August 2018 exam (students who need exam)

Monday, November 26, 2018

Monday November 26th 

“I read my eyes out and can't read half enough...the more one reads the more one sees we have to read.” 
― John Adams, Letters of John Adams, Addressed to His Wife
  • SWBAT review the R.A.C.E. strategy for answering reading comprehension questions (#8)
  • SWBAT complete all English IV reading comprehension questions (using the RACE strategy) and continue quick write #6
  • SWBAT continue reading Malcolm X (we will finish the book this week)
  • SWBAT complete reading comprehension questions for English Regent Exam (Jan 2018 #1-10)
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework before the break 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT complete some Algebra Regent questions from August 2018 exam (students who need exam)

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wednesday November 21st

Have a great 4 day break! 

“It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom. Without this it goes to wrack and ruin without fail.” 
― Albert Einstein
  • SWBAT review the R.A.C.E. strategy for answering reading comprehension questions (#8)
  • SWBAT complete all English IV reading comprehension questions (using the RACE strategy) and continue quick write #6
  • SWBAT continue reading Malcolm X pg.300-
  • SWBAT complete reading comprehension questions for English Regent Exam (Jan 2018 #1-10)
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework before the break 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT complete some Algebra Regent questions from August 2018 exam (students who need exam)

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tuesday November 20th 

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” 
― Mark Twain
  • SWBAT review the R.A.C.E. strategy for answering reading comprehension questions (#8)
  • SWBAT complete all English IV reading comprehension questions (using the RACE strategy) and continue quick write #6
  • SWBAT continue reading Malcolm X pg.300-
  • SWBAT complete reading comprehension questions for English Regent Exam (Jan 2018 #1-10)
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework before the break 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT complete some Algebra Regent questions from August 2018 exam (students who need exam)

Monday, November 19, 2018

Monday November 19th 

“Educated men are so impressive!” 
― William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
  • SWBAT review the R.A.C.E. strategy for answering reading comprehension questions 
  • SWBAT complete all English IV reading comprehension questions (using the RACE strategy) and continue quick write #6
  • SWBAT continue reading Malcolm X pg.300-
  • SWBAT complete reading comprehension questions for English Regent Exam (Jan 2018 #1-10)
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework before the break 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT complete some Algebra Regent questions from August 2018 exam (students who need exam)

Friday, November 16, 2018

Friday November 16th 

“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” 
― Maya Angelou
  • SWBAT review the R.A.C.E. strategy for answering reading comprehension questions 
  • SWBAT complete all English IV reading comprehension questions (using the RACE strategy) and continue quick write #6
  • SWBAT continue reading Malcolm X pg.199-
  • SWBAT complete reading comprehension questions for English Regent Exam
  • SWBAT complete all Economics coursework and study for the quiz
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT complete some Algebra Regent questions from August 2018 exam (students who need exam)

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thursday November 15th 

“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” 
  • SWBAT review the R.A.C.E. strategy for answering reading comprehension questions 
  • SWBAT complete all English IV reading comprehension questions (using the RACE strategy) and continue quick write #6
  • SWBAT continue reading Malcolm X pg.199-
  • SWBAT complete reading comprehension questions for English Regent Exam
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 
  • SWBAT complete some Algebra Regent questions from August 2018 exam (students who need exam)

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wednesday November 14th 

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi
  • SWBAT complete missing/incomplete assignments 
  • SWBAT complete all English IV reading comprehension questions and begin quick write #6
  • SWBAT continue reading Malcolm X pg.199-
  • SWBAT complete reading comprehension questions for English Regent Exam
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Tuesday November 13th 

You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation. Brigham Young
  • Students will be able to complete missing/incomplete assignments 
  • Students will be complete all English IV reading comprehension question (Through Chapter 11)
  • Students will be able to complete ALL QUICK WRITES (Through #6)
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. Albert Einstein

Friday November 9th Objectives

The Marking Period Closes Today 

  • Students will be able to complete missing/incomplete assignments 
  • Students will be complete all English IV reading comprehension question (Through Chapter 11)
  • Students will be able to complete ALL QUICK WRITES (Through #5)
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation. Brigham Young

Thursday November 8th Objectives

The Marking Period Closes Friday 

  • Students will be able to complete missing/incomplete assignments 
  • Students will be complete all English IV reading comprehension question (Through Chapter 11)
  • Students will be able to complete ALL QUICK WRITES (Through #5)
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  
  • SWBAT complete any Environmental Science coursework 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday November 7th Objectives

The Marking Period Closes Friday 

  • Students will be able to complete missing/incomplete assignments 
  • Students will be complete all English IV reading comprehension question (Through Chapter 11)
  • Students will be able to complete ALL QUICK WRITES (Through #5)
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter)
  • SWBAT complete all vocational coursework  
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  

Monday, November 5, 2018

“You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” 
― Oscar Wilde

Monday November 5th Objectives

  • Students will be complete chapter 11 questions (R.A.C.E.) 
  • Students will be able to complete quick write #5 Analyze how events in chapter 11 demonstrate Malcolm X's development 
  • SWBAT complete any Economics notes and study for today's quiz 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter) 
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  

Friday, November 2, 2018

“Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.” 
― E.M. Forster 

Friday November 2nd Objectives

  • Students will be complete chapter 11 questions (R.A.C.E.) 
  • Students will be able to complete quick write #5 Analyze how events in chapter 11 demonstrate Malcolm X's development 
  • SWBAT complete any Economics notes and study for today's quiz 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter) 
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  

Thursday, November 1, 2018

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” 
― Phil Collins

All students will participate in a Financial Aid workshop today (Nov. 1st) 

Thursday November 1st Objectives

  • Students will be complete chapter 11 questions (R.A.C.E.) 
  • Students will be able to complete quick write #5 Analyze how events in chapter 11 demonstrate Malcolm X's development 
  • SWBAT complete any Economics notes and study for today's quiz 
  • SWBAT complete any Career and Financial Management work (Resume/Cover letter) 
  • SWBAT receive supplemental instruction for AIS courses (Ms. Manhart, Mrs. Thauer, Mr. Joyce, etc)  

     “Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by educa...